We express our sincere thanks to the FLock community for your steadfast support throughout the FLock Researcher Campaign. After a thorough month of upgrades, we’re excited to introduce $FLC on the Polygon Mumbai Testnet to the FLock ecosystem. Users can now claim $FLC via the FLock Online Faucet Page, explore FLock Researcher V2.0. All activities will be considered for future rewards, including tokens and NFTs. Let’s dive into the details!
Latest Updates within the FLock Ecosystem
🪙 $FCL: The Pillar of the FLock Ecosystem
- $FLC Faucet: https://testnet.flock.io/quest
- Built on Polygon Mumbai Testnet, $FLC has emerged as a vital token, instrumental for those keen on contributing to the flourishing FLock ecosystem. With $FLC, you are equipped to explore a myriad of applications nested within the FLock ecosystem, including the FLock Client and FLock Researcher V2.0.
🤖️ FLock Researcher V2.0: Now with Wallet Integration
- FLock Researcher V2.0: https://testnet.flock.io/gptResearcher
- FLock Researcher V2.0 addresses V1.0’s congestion issues and introduces web3 wallet connectivity, moving away from traditional single AI training across domains. It functions as a decentralized network of domain-specific agents, each an LLM finely tuned for its specific domain.
The FLock Quest
This quest includes six steps:
Upon completing the tasks above, you can claim 10 $FLC & 0.01 $Matic.
Thank you for being part of our community and good luck on your journey!
About FLock.io
FLock.io is a decentralized and permissionless platform for co-owned AI models and Dapps. By harnessing the synergies of Federated Learning and blockchain technologies, we address the growing demands of models and potential data breach threats, guaranteeing secure model training without revealing underlying source data, and fair rewards to data contribution and community collaboration.
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